Thursday 19 December 2013

The Hidden Truth About Devolved Healthcare; Choose Who to Trust.

Our Swahili forefathers rightly said "majuto ni mjukuu" The statements indicates the spatial relationship between our actions and related consequences or outcomes.
There are decisions we have made collectively and individually in the last few years that have left sore tastes in our mouths.
The case in Kenya today comes to fore in every aspect. While a small percent, say once percent is content with status quo, the larger majority are writhing from effects of indifference, condescending and careless leadership that has become our national government
Yes, the same government that we lined up to elect on March the 4th 2013.
 In the part 6moths, there have been key happenings in the political circles in Kenya that have demonstrated out government as aloof and detached from the suffering of the poor.
For a start, the first order of the day was to increase the salaries and allowances of the political class. Many a Kenyan will not mind having more pay. That is granted. The only issue is that the sky rocketing prices of commodities has greatly affected the purchasing power of the majority poor. 
It is in this same period that we have seen an unprecedented increase in prices of commodities from increased taxation. The government thought it prudent to increase VAT on essential commodities, further making life more difficult. Amid intense protests, the government chose to turn a blind eye.
The government has pushed through very unpopular and dictatorial laws. The much talked about Media Bill is geared towards strict control of what the media transmits to the public. Indeed its encroachment on the constitutionally provided freedom of information. For any progressive society such liberties as freedom of information must be jealously guarded. Also in the process is the law on NGO. By limiting the maximum amount one can solicit to carry out programs to 15%, the neglected groups who have benefited and continue to benefit from NGO stand to lose.  
In regard to the current impasse between the country's health professionals and the government, this is an unfortunate situation. While the government purports to support full implementation they are very economical with the truth. What they are not telling Kenyans and the world is that up to now the relevant laws have not been passed to oversee this important exercise.
In their wisdom they have cut the period of 3yrs to 6months guided by other considerations other than the common good. They are not also stating that the true custodians of health care are the health professionals. They have in turn chosen to incite emotions into unsuspecting poor population who entirely rely on public sector for healthcare provision.
Its a fallacy that the public has bought this concocted untruths; they have said unsavory things against the healthcare professionals. They are the same time please for consideration of Hipocratic Oath. Dear friends. The said oath regardless of its outdated nature does not prescribe social and economic oppression to those who practice medicine and paramedic professions. Its not an authority to exploit, mistreat and fleece these selfless men and women who risk their own lives to save human kind from disease and pestilence.

A great write said "when the centre cannot hold any further, things fall apart". We are witnessing evident lack of leadership on the part of the central government. These men and women have decided to play into the tune of the already dysfunctional county government. They have ignored well intended input from the providers of healthcare in the country. They have decided to play a game of musical chairs with lives of the public. They have veered off from addressing the core issues raised by the healthcare professionals. They have concentrated on side shows and smokescreen
Its not long from now that the Kenyans will 'enjoy' the fruits of devolved healthcare.
It is expected that incessant interference from political class, overbearing and exploitative work environment, insensitive administration, poor pay and low motivation will cause healthcare to plummet a great deal.
Some of the immediate outcomes of this thoughtless process will include but not limited to
1. Chaos in training, licensing, regulation, accreditation of health professionals
2. Increased counterfeits in public facilities
3. Stock outs
4. A denuded workforce barely capable of handling healthcare provision
5. Unimaginable alienation of certain counties, imbalance in staffing and quality of care
6. Increase cronyism, corruption, NEPOTISM in recruitment, promotion, development of staff. These cannot co-exist with quality.
7. Ethnic zoning of healthcare.
As we continue to live with all these consequences, we must ask ourselves: How does delay in devolving personal emoluments of healthcare workers until relevant laws are passed negate the spirit of devolution?
The health professionals have rightly read a sinister motive for this accelerated attempt to transfer personal emoluments to the counties. It is no longer about service delivery or quality. It’s about the individual governors' self aggrandizement.

Finally, as Kenyans suffer, the political class access healthcare from private facilities and even abroad. We are still fighting one of the enemies identified by our founding fathers at independent. Ill-health.

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