Thursday 14 July 2011

why do people hurt so much?

Its 730am in the morning and am driving to work when my phone rings. As a policy, never ignore phone calls, this might by the last call the person is making. I pick the call, its a colleague who says he is unable to join in doing ward activities
This means only one thing- that my day will be crazy. It means I will do work portion for 2people.
its some minutes after 8 and work has began in earnest. Chemotherapy to give, investigations to do, ward round to conduct, cannulas to fix among other procedures.

Then comes the most tormenting moment...admissions
Here are ladies (more than 10) who have come for admission as advised in the out patient clinic. Most of them have cancer, rapidly progressing. One can tell, especially having seen them some weks earleir. That the ladies are withering very fast, is no secret.
Of these ladies, there is lsot for only 3. All merit admission by all standards. There are vested interests, undue influence from some quarters. Then how do you tell a patient with cancer to go home and come after 1month. whatever you expalin, no one seems to be listening. This is for genuine reasin. ALL of us dread cancer. We have stories about cancer. For those with advanced cancer, its clear that they are in pain. They have hope that some miracle will be done to mop up all cancer cells from their circulation.
Two things come in mind. the management of cancer in Kenya is extremely neglected, its been pushes to the allies, no one cares. secondly, its a great mistake to get cancer in Kenya. If a person comes in DKA (diabetic ketoacodosis), everything comes to stand still until the patient is stablized. Come in with cancer, no one seems to notice.
The third thing is that there is system and policy failure to address the plight of cancer victims and survivors. Cance unfortunately is becoming common in the poor segment of the society. To afford just one type of medicine, one will need to work for 2-3months saving almost everything. How does one work when they cannt even walk?
Why do people suffer so much? How comes no one seems to see the need to invest in carinhg for this special group? Is there any person who chooses to get cancer or not?
Who will not notice such terrible suffering and what is one expected to do if all the government (read minister ) does is to hop from one place to another oblivious of the many dying Kenyan....

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